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Clean House Man

Faithful to the commitments after the Breakthrough Thinking course in May 2023, the Clean House family recently organized meaningful activities to spread positive values to each individual in particular as well as the community. copper in general. The “Reading books to raise volunteer funds” club for office and supervisory staff was established to spread the […]


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Continuing the recent episodes of Empathy Journey, today we have a special short report about a working day of Mr. Bao - currently an employee of Clean House at Sirona project.

Empathy journey: resilient will – spirit of overcoming difficulties

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Temporarily putting all deadlines and KPIs aside, the Clean House family recently had a passionate trip to Da Lat city. With the spirit of “Work with a team – Play with a chance”, this is both an opportunity to have fun and relax, as well as an opportunity to bond the spirit of the staff […]

Company trip in summer 2023 [Clean House HCM]

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In addition to investing in teaching quality, schools and parents also pay attention to the sanitary environment at school because it is a factor that directly affects the health of students.

Benefits of industrial hygiene at school

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Labor supply service is a labor subleasing service where a business recruits workers, signs a labor contract and then sublets that labor source to other businesses.

Labor supply service

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Empathy journey 02: The father Uncle Do – Hong Bang University Project (HCMC) My parents died early. Since I was a child, I lived with my adoptive parents. Although it was difficult, the love my parents gave me was great. I’m grateful that my adoptive parents care for me like their own child. Although my […]

A journey of empathy: The father

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Clean House - the "common home" of those workers, always welcomes and creates the best conditions for its employees.

Clean House: “Common House” of Sympathy and Love

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Van Hanh Mall is the first location that Clean House chose for Robot "Mr Clean" to officially appear. Let's watch Clean tour!

Clean Tour | Robot “Mr Clean” Has Been Present At Many Large Construction Projects

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As part of its key development plan, Nha Sach has introduced modern industrial cleaning robots into its operating process.

Clean House Pioneers in Putting Industrial Cleaning Robots into Operation

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On August 27, 2022, Nha Sach was pleased to open a Da Nang branch at Lot E11 - 26 Phuong Trang Urban Area, Hoang Thi Loan Street, Hoa Minh Ward, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang

Clean House Jubilantly Opens Da Nang Branch

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Recently, Thanh Nien newspaper had an experience introducing robots into the process of providing cleaning services to customers of Clean House Services Joint Stock Company at Van Hanh Mall.

Thanh Nien Newspaper | Clean House Innovation in Industrial Hygiene

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Nha Clean is proud to be a provider of high quality industrial cleaning services in Da Nang. We are committed to providing the best experience for customers.

High Quality Industrial Cleaning Service Provider in Da Nang

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Vệ sinh chung cư là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng giúp tạo nên môi trường sống thoải mái và sạch đẹp

Clean House specializes in providing high-end apartment cleaning services

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In this article, Clean House brings you the meaning of industrial hygiene for today's environment.

The Meaning of Industrial Hygiene in Today’s Environment

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Hospitals are one of the areas most at risk of bacterial and viral infections. Therefore, to ensure health safety, hospital environmental hygiene deserves attention. Let's find out with Clean House.

Hospital environmental hygiene: things you need to know

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Giặt thảm văn phòng cần được thực hiện thường xuyên để đảm bảo một không gian sạch sẽ. nhà Sạch mách bạn 5 việc cần làm trước khi giặt thảm trải sàn văn phòng

Chia Sẻ 5 Điều Cần Làm Trước Khi Giặt Thảm Văn Phòng

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Clean House with 14 years of experience providing industrial cleaning services is committed to providing quality office glass cleaning services to customers.

Mistakes to Keep in Mind When Cleaning Office Glass

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Improper insect control will cause more harm to your family. So let Nha Sach tell you the mistakes to avoid when killing insects at home!

Clean House Tells You Mistakes When Killing Insects Yourself

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