Instructions for the Safest and Most Effective Restoration of Oxidized Glass


Why does glass oxidize? What do buildings, companies, and corporations need to do to keep their glass surfaces bright and beautiful? Clean House introduces to you the article “Instructions for the safest and most effective restoration of oxidized glass.” Please take a look:

Instructions for the Safest and Most Effective Restoration of Oxidized Glass

  1. Why does glass oxidize?

Do you know what causes the stains and stains that make the glass of buildings unsightly? The cause of glass oxidation will depend largely on weather, climate, and air pollution factors in each area.

In Vietnam, the hot and humid climate typical of the tropical monsoon has led to glass oxidation in high-rise buildings. Furthermore, because of pollution, the air, rainwater, etc. are easily contaminated with acidic impurities and cause mold, stains, etc. on the glass to become unsightly and difficult to restore.

  1. Oxidation stages of glass

Stage 1: The glass surface is new and has no visible stains or stains, but when there is water on the surface, these stains will appear. When the surface dries, the water will disappear. This phenomenon is common when the glass is new (95% of newly produced glass has this phenomenon).

Stage 2: Stains appear on the glass surface, but when you touch the surface, you cannot feel the stains or impurities adhering to the glass surface. At this stage, the glass cannot be cleaned with normal detergents. Glasses used for 3-6 months will have this phenomenon.

Stage 3: Yellow stains appear on the glass surface. When you touch the surface, you can feel stains or impurities sticking to the glass surface. At this stage, the glass cannot be cleaned with regular detergents. The phenomenon appears when the glasses have been in use for 6-12 months.

Stage 4: The glass surface has many deep stains, you can feel it clearly when touching the surface, and you can clearly see the pitted glass surface. In this case, the glass is damaged and cannot be restored.

  1. Instructions for restoring oxidized glass

To avoid the glass falling into stage 4 oxidation, it cannot be restored and costs a lot of money to replace. Clean House guides the cleaning steps to help restore oxidized glass as follows:

Step 1: Prepare equipment and chemicals to clean glass

  • Prepare specialized equipment such as swing ropes, scaffolding equipment, safety support tools, electric ladders, soft towels, glass cleaners, specialized cleaning solutions, etc.
  • Ensure safety for the surrounding area, place signs, cover…
  • Move furniture out of the toilet area
  • Fully equipped with labor safety protection such as gloves, helmets, and stain cleaning tools according to the standards of the Vietnam Labor Code

Step 2: Perform cleaning and restoration of oxidized glass

  • Assemble and check the safety of prepared cleaning equipment and protective equipment.
  • Wet the glass with specialized cleaning solution. It is necessary to mix the correct ratio according to regulations, ensuring safety for both glass and workers.
  • Dip a towel or glass cleaner into a bucket of chemicals mixed in proportion and then rub in a zigzag pattern from top to bottom until the end of the glass.
  • Wipe glasses. Can be done in 1 of 4 ways: vertical wiping, horizontal wiping, square wiping or horizontal zigzag wiping from top to bottom. (Note: keep the wiper blade at a 45 degree angle to the glass surface, always close to the glass surface to push out all dirt.)
  • Wipe the blade with a dry cloth after each wipe. Then, use a dry cloth to wipe the edges around the glass.
  • Check and re-evaluate the effectiveness of oxidized glass restoration work before handing over to customers.

Cleaning building glass is one of the jobs that requires high technology because of its dangers. Therefore, choose a reputable unit to help restore oxidized glass safely and effectively for your business. Contact us immediately to get the best service advice.


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