Clean House specializes in effective, radical insect extermination services


Are you looking for a unit that provides radical insect control services for factories and enterprises? Do you require professionalism and safety of service? Clean House – a provider of radical pest control services is your solution.

Nha Sach specializes in effective, radical insect extermination services

Toxic insects often appear in the rainy seasons, causing mold, discomfort and many other problems such as:

Dangers come from insects:

  • Carrying viruses that cause dangerous infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Zika, plague, poisoning…
  • Termites destroy wooden furniture such as tables, chairs, shelves, and cabinets not only in homes but also in factories, companies, and enterprises.
  • Causes unpleasant odors, mold, and affects health

Reasons why Nha Sach is always the best pest control service provider:

  • Ensuring to provide and guarantee the best service for customers
  • Use qualified, experienced and specialized specialists
  • Use the most modern, safe and effective machinery and equipment
  • Use genuine drugs and chemicals licensed for circulation by the Ministry of Health and safe for public health

Clean House is committed to providing pest control services at the root

  • Committed to service that eliminates insects completely and thoroughly and prevents their reappearance
  • Commitment that the chemicals used are safe according to regulations of the Ministry of Health
  • Committed to professional service, without affecting other customer activities
  • Enthusiastic and dedicated customer consulting and support
  • Contract terms are specific, transparent about services, prices and payment methods

Clean House’s radical termite extermination service process

Clean House’s insect extermination process
  • Receive customer requests
  • Survey at the project
  • Solutions and processing procedures
  • Verify consent from the customer
  • Arrange processing schedule
  • Proceed to provide services
  • Service reporting
  • Customer tracking and support

Contact us immediately to receive the best advice and support.


Hotline: 028 3957 4483 – 3957 1974


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