“Tip You” Simple Tips to Kill Insects Quickly and Effectively


Are you haunted by toxic insects? Do you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from deadly diseases and viruses? Clean House gives you good tips to kill insects simply and effectively.

1.Kill insects with wind oil:

The smell of wind oil is effective in repelling insects. You just need to put a few drops of oil in places where mosquitoes, cockroaches or harmful insects easily accumulate. They will stay away from areas with that scent, helping you live with peace of mind.

Wind oil is extremely effective in repelling insects

If in a larger space, drop some wind oil and then use a fan to spread it throughout the surrounding space, letting the scent of the oil follow the wind to every corner, repelling nearby insects.

2. Kill insects with rubbing alcohol:

Tips to effectively kill insects with rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is also often used when killing insects, but you should be careful when using chemicals because it can easily cause skin irritation, burns or infection if protective gloves are not used.

On the other hand, cleaning chemicals can also erode wooden surfaces or stone floors, so when using this method to kill insects, you should learn carefully to avoid future risks.

3. Kill insects with soap:

Soap is a cleaning solution that is easy to find, and safe to use. Keeping soap in your potted plants will help reduce the number of insects around.

Clean House gives instructions on how to kill insects with soap

In addition, if the number of insects is large, soapy water also slows down their movement speed and adds time for you to kill them.

4. Kill insects with herbs:

Insects are often very afraid and stay away from places with herbal scent. Because of that sensitivity, people often tell each other tips on using mint, lemongrass and herbs to make spray solutions to kill insects.

Instructions for effectively killing insects with herbs

This method is still very effective and widely used. Even some mosquito, cockroach, and insect killers on the market are also using the essence of herbs to make anti-mosquito products. insect.

5. Kill insects with white vinegar:

White vinegar is considered a very effective solution to kill mosquitoes and spiders. People often spray white vinegar around door and window areas, thereby preventing many insects from entering. This is also considered a popular trick used in practice.

White vinegar is also a simple ingredient used to kill insects

6. Kill insects with LED lights:

One of the good tips is to use LED lights to attract insects to other places. This is a method that has been applied on many farms and in many families.

LED lights are one of the commonly used folk tricks

These products now have the ability to combine LED lights and scents to attract insects inside, then kill them. This is also a safe and effective solution.

7. Kill insects by burning eucalyptus leaves:

Applying traditional and ancient folk methods, some leaves such as eucalyptus leaves can repel and kill insects very effectively. You can burn leaves every day without a big fire, just create smoke in front of areas where insects can crawl.

8. Kill insects with grapefruit peel:

The essential oil inside the grapefruit peel has the effect of repelling flies, mosquitoes and other insects. You just need to cut the grapefruit peel, put it in a small bag and hang it in windy locations, the grapefruit scent will act as a deterrent. insect invasion.

Essential oil from grapefruit peel has the effect of repelling insects

Not only does it kill insects, but grapefruit scent also helps relax and relieve stress. This is a very useful way.

The above methods of killing insects are all commonly used tips and are quite safe to use. However, it is only effective in small spaces such as houses, bedrooms… and places such as factories, schools, and hospitals are very difficult to apply.

Therefore, for places with large areas, you should choose a unit that provides thorough and quality insect control services to ensure smooth production and service activities.

Nha Sach provides professional, thorough pest control services, completely solving your worries. Contact us now to receive many incentives.


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