Safety Notes Specific to Cleaning Overhead Glass


It can be said that glass is a construction material commonly used in high-rise buildings. Not only does it bring luxury and modernity, using glass to cover the building structure also helps the space become more airy. However, cleaning them is not easy. This article will provide notes to remember to safely clean overhead glass, making your building always shinier and more classy.

Avoid cleaning overhead glass on sunny and dry days

In fact, cleaning glasses during hot weather will cause water and glass cleaning solutions to dry quickly, before you can promptly use a soft cloth to wipe them clean. This not only wastes time but also wastes glass cleaning solution. In addition, as the temperature increases, stains can spread easily, making glass cleaning ineffective.

You should choose times when the weather is cool, dry and cloudy, specifically early morning and evening are ideal cleaning times. In particular, if the weather is too bad, cloudy or rainy, you need to immediately stop all overhead glass cleaning work, both ensuring safety for workers and saving cleaning time.

Equipment and labor protection equipment must comply with regulations when cleaning overhead glass

Before starting work, glass cleaning equipment needs to be checked to make sure it is absolutely safe, avoiding unnecessary accidents during construction. Equipment for workers when cleaning glass at height must have:

  • The sliding rope system must be checked regularly to ensure smooth operation and the rope must be secure. Choose a place to hang the rope that is strong enough, can withstand great force and is fixed in one place.
  • Glass cleaning swing set, seat with seat belt and safety lock.
  • Fully provided with high-rise building glass cleaning equipment before starting.
  • Labor protection equipment: masks, gloves, helmets and protective uniforms with boots/shoes.
  • Rope ladders, electric ladders or other types of operating ladders. Make sure that the tool chosen is long-lasting to ensure absolute safety throughout the overhead glass cleaning process.
Equipment for workers when cleaning glass at height is required

Develop an overhead glass cleaning process that is both effective and safe

Having a professional working process will help enhance the value of the service provider. Each step in the process is transparent and reasonably arranged, so customers can fully track the progress of work completion. In addition, the staff will also rely on this working process to carry out construction and handle problems that arise at the site.

Professional staff have been thoroughly trained

Because the nature of high-altitude glass cleaning is relatively dangerous, each employee is carefully selected and trained before accepting the job:

  • Regular health check-ups are required to ensure that no one has any history of cardiovascular or neurological diseases. Not afraid of heights or addicted to alcohol.
  • Comply with safety regulations: Do not drink beer or wine before cleaning the glass.
  • Be thoroughly trained in the process of cleaning overhead glass to ensure your own safety. Including: how to operate machinery, use chemicals suitable for different glass surfaces.
Each employee is carefully selected and trained before accepting employment

Specialized cleaning chemicals for cleaning overhead glass

Choose chemicals that are specialized products to make cleaning glass surfaces easy and up to standards to avoid affecting the construction department and surrounding people. Nowadays, there are many types of homemade products on the market with bleach concentrations that do not comply with regulations, so you need to choose a reputable place to sell them. Or better yet, you should hire a professional overhead glass cleaning service provider that is both effective and safe according to regulations.

Contact Clean House immediately to experience high-quality industrial cleaning services, via:

  • Hotline: (028) 3957 4483
  • Mail:


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