A journey of empathy: The father


Empathy journey

02: The father

Uncle Do – Hong Bang University Project (HCMC)

My parents died early. Since I was a child, I lived with my adoptive parents. Although it was difficult, the love my parents gave me was great. I’m grateful that my adoptive parents care for me like their own child. Although my life is not perfect now, I love and am very satisfied with my small family. Especially when I became a father, I had to try even harder to take care of my children’s education like other children of the same age, because “Loving your children means teaching them your best.” My current concern is that my wife and I are trying together just to have enough money for our children to study so that they can later become good people who know how to treat people in life. Especially hoping that his child will have a less difficult life than his parents.

Uncle Dung – Thang Long Project (Hanoi)

My family has 3 children and I am the main breadwinner of the family. The two eldest children are also married, and the youngest child is currently in college. With the concept that “Having a child means fulfilling a father’s duty”, I now only hope to do my best to take care of my youngest child’s education until I go to work again, then I will feel secure. . Even though life is still difficult, I always have my family by my side to listen. Sometimes I share with my family about the difficulties at work and luckily my wife and children understand. I remember on my birthday this March, they even drove to where I work to give me a gift. I only dream of one thing: “Children grow up, family is happy” and I feel life is complete.

In a recent Rap Viet episode, there is a song that talks about fathers like this: “Accept life with your head down and your back bent. Let my son have glorious days.” Although a father’s love may not be expressed through beautiful words, sometimes rough and silent sacrifices, his care and love are real and trustworthy. As children, we should appreciate and love our father’s imperfections, because no matter how hard it is, fathers always hope that their children will have a fulfilling life. Of course, each person will have a different story. Clean House only hopes that today’s episode “Empathy Journey” will spread positive energy to fathers and children to always respect and feel compassion. Let’s communicate with each other better!

Wishing Uncle Dung and Uncle Do good health and peace in life.

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