6 Most Effective Types of Termite Killers That You Need to Know


Termites are harmful insects to construction projects and many important human items. “How can we completely destroy termites and not let them come back?” – that is a frequent question when this destructive termite appears. Please refer to the article below with Clean House!

Clean House accompanies termite eradication 100% the first time

1.Agenda 25EC termite killer:

Radical termite killer Agenda 25EC

Agenda 25EC or old name Termidor 25EC is the best termite killing and prevention product from the world famous pharmaceutical brand Bayer (Germany). This product is imported directly from a factory located in Thailand. With the ingredient Fipronil – a substance that inhibits the nerves and muscles of insects. When we use Agenda 25EC, foraging termites are less likely to feel when they enter the treated land, accidentally absorbing a small amount of the active ingredient. They do not know that a small amount of this active ingredient is enough to threaten their lives and the lives of other termites in the termite colony. Due to this unique way of action, Agenda 25EC not only protects the structure but also treats termite colonies. This is a highly effective product in killing termites completely and does not affect your living environment.

2. Termite killer CISLIN 2.5 EC:

Radical termite killer CISLIN 2.5 EC

CISLIN 2.5 EC is a specialized termite killer for wooden furniture, helping to quickly and thoroughly destroy stubborn termites that eat bamboo and many other types of newly sawn wood. Besides, the drug also has a strong effect on many types of termites, weevils and other insects. The product has an oil emulsion form so it has good storage ability and is highly effective. With the ingredient Deltamethrin 2.5% w/v in oil emulsion form. The active ingredient has the effect of destroying the normal nervous system of termites, causing them to quickly die. Termite killer Cislin 2.5 EC can cause temporary itching of the skin, eyes and nasal mucosa. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the nearest medical facility when exposed to drugs.

3.PMC 90 termite killer:

PMC 90 radical termite killer

Known as the king of termites, PMC 90 termite killer is considered the most effective biological termite killer on the market today. PMC 90 helps kill termites completely with very high results, almost killing 100% of termite nests with just the first use. With ingredients Sodium Fluoride Silicate, Boric Acid, Copper Sulfate and some other additives. The product is in powder form so its penetration into termite colonies is very high, and is a safe product for nature and humans. Be sure to use the correct dosage and do not use too much because it can cause worker ants to die faster before they can return to the nest.

4.LENFOS 50EC termite killer:

LENFOS 50EC radical termite killer

LENFOS 50EC termite killer is an effective and quality termite control product from HOCKLEY company – UK. This is a subterranean termite killer with strong chemical active ingredients, specifically used to treat the foundations of construction projects, bridge bases, dykes, and houses. With the ingredient Chlorpyrifos Ethyl 50%: inhibits cholinesterase, causing termites to quickly become paralyzed and die. With special additives, the drug can last a long time for lasting effectiveness without harming the soil and water environment as well as the user.

5.MyThic 240SC termite killer:

Thuốc diệt mối tận gốc MyThic 240SC

Mythic 240SC termiticide is a suspension termite killing solution from Germany. This is a unique termite pesticide because it acts like a “living residue”. The drug itself has the ability to attract and completely eliminate termites the first time it is used. Because of its superiority, Mythics 240SC is trusted and used in many demanding markets such as the US, Japan, and France. With the ingredient Chlofenapyr – kills termites by poison and contact. The special thing about this drug is that if you hate the bad smell caused by termite pesticides, then Mythic 240SC is a very suitable choice to kill termites, because it is completely odorless. It is a safe product for the environment and users.

6.Termite spray TERMIZE 200SC:

Termite spray TERMIZE 200SC

Termize 200SC termite killer is a new generation termite killer, less toxic, used as a replacement for old termite killers that have been banned and restricted in use. With new active ingredients, liquid baits have the effect of spreading disease to the entire termite colony. With ingredient Imidacloprid. It is an odorless, extremely low-dose termiticide specifically used for construction projects, crops, houses, and conditioners. It is a safe product for the environment and users.

Above are all 6 effective termite killers that are most trusted and used by consumers today. You can find and buy them at genuine product distribution stores online or offline.

Besides, if you are busy with your daily living and don’t know how to use it and want to protect your health, please contact us immediately – Clean House Services Joint Stock Company. Via Hotline: 028 3957 4483 to meet with a consultant to answer your questions. With a team of skilled and experienced technicians, we guarantee to bring the highest satisfaction to customers when using the services here. Call us when you are bothered by insects. Clean House Services Joint Stock Company is pleased to accompany you in building a safe and clean living environment.


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